About LEO/In-Service
Law Enforcement Officers (LEOs) play a critical role in our mission to end intimate partner violence. LEO/In-Service is designed to bring all the best of our PREP program directly to you at your department.
Currently, we can provide one (1), 3-hour in-service training per department per year, so contact us to schedule your in-service class soon. (Spots fill up quickly!)
All classes are FREE; we provide materials and certificate of completion.
Please email us at PREP to reserve your date and time. Please include the name of your department and the best email and phone number to reach you.
Help police officers to identify and respond to the needs of victims
Improve law enforcement officers' communication with victims
Reduce the repeat domestic abuse incidents within the same household
Connect victims to critical support services
Additional Info
Overview of LEO/In-Service Topics:
Understanding the Victim of Domestic Violence: Best practices for responding to victims; identify the emotional and behavioral impact of abuse on adults; recognize issues that prevent victims from leaving; risk & lethality assessments; safety planning; local resources for referral/support.
Effects of Domestic Violence on Children: Discussion of the impact of DV on children; appropriate intervention techniques to use at the scene; supporting the non-offending parent; safety planning; and resources for referral.
Teen Dating Abuse: Review of the warning signs that a teen may be a victim or abuser; unique barriers teen face concerning disclosure; effective intervention techniques to help teens; and resources for referral.
Insights on Batterer Behavior: Discussion of how battering is used to maintain power and control over a victim; standard characteristics of a batterer; a review of batterer intervention programs; and theories re batterers who murder their partners.
Non-Fatal Strangulation (NFS):NFS is one of the most lethal forms of IPV as unconsciousness may occur within seconds and death within minutes. Discussion on how to ID obvious and the inconspicuous signs of NFS; pertinent questions to ask about symptoms of NFS; understanding the delayed consequences of NFS; and how to assess for TBI (traumatic brain injury).